Taking an un-sexy approach to fat loss
By Megan Lautz, MS, RD, TSAC-F

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2021 issue. View the full issue here.
Ah, the elusive six-pack. Abs that are desired by many, achieved by few. As sexy as a six-pack might be, what it takes to get there (by healthy means) is sadly not as sexy.
Granted, not everyone who wants to lose fat is aiming for a six-pack, named for their resemblance to a multi-curved, hard six pack of beer. Some of us need to lose weight for health reasons, or we simply want to avoid another trip to logistics for a bigger uniform. Whatever your motivation – if you want to see a change by summer, the time to start is now!
Is The Time Right?
Before embarking on a diet change, take a moment to assess your situation. Weight loss is like financial budgeting: reaching your goals will require willpower and sacrifice. Even a moderate calorie reduction can result in decreased strength, fatigue, trouble concentrating, cravings, and mood swings.
This isn’t meant to scare you, but simply to encourage you to weigh the pros and cons. How is your work and home life? How is your mental health? Do you have access to healthy food or a gym? If the past year has been one of the most challenging of your life, it’s OK to maintain and weather the storm. If you need to make a change for health reasons, start small. Add an extra glass of water, cut back on soda, or add a veggie at dinner. Small, consistent changes will make a difference.
Get Realistic
Successful fat loss is often over-dramatized by diet companies, social media, and even coworkers. Before you get started, know that losing a half to two pounds per week is a realistic goal – and that means just two to eight pounds per month.
How quickly you lose fat depends on a variety of factors apart from lifestyle changes. If you are already relatively lean, it’s going to take more time. A simple 10-pound goal can take five months or more to reach, but a slower pace will help maintain muscle mass while you lose.
Leave Room For Progress
It can be tempting to change everything about your lifestyle right off the bat. If what you’ve been eating and the way you’ve been living has brought you to this point, clearly everything has to change! Inspired, you dive into hours of cardio and high intensity workouts, eat only lettuce and chicken, and then wonder why you can’t stick to this killer program for more than a few days.
Extremes lead to burnout. If it’s been three months or more since you’ve had a steady workout plan or paid attention to nutrition, start slowly. See if you can maintain three, 30-minute workouts per week. Cut back on the sweets, chips, and high-fat meats. If you can be consistent with these preliminary measures, then step it up a bit every few weeks. Working with a Registered Dietitian can help you determine what each step looks like, saving you time and energy while you’re trying to lose fat.
Calories Matter
At the end of the day, weight loss diets work because they create a calorie deficit. Intermittent fasting cuts calories by limiting time to eat. Mediterranean, Keto, Low Carb – all of these popular diets cut calories by changing food choices, just as Weight Watchers programs and counting your macros cuts calories by limiting portions.
Calories are just one important consideration in creating a nutritious diet. Choosing nutrient-rich foods that will keep you full and energized is equally important. When it comes to fat loss, however, the calorie is king.
It sounds simple. Eat less and you’ll lose fat. The reality is, it’s not always easy to maintain a calorie deficit. After cutting back on your food intake or increasing activity for a while, your metabolism becomes more efficient. Like a great car, you’re getting more miles for less fuel. Or are you? From a fat-loss perspective, an efficient metabolism is not as positive as you might think. The truth is, your body simply gets better at using the calories from the food you eat as you consciously cut your activity level.
This is when plateaus happen and weight loss stalls. If you gave your weight loss efforts your all at the start, it will be harder to push yourself off a plateau. Your schedule and willpower may not have that much more to give!
The Unsexy Approach
- Start early – don’t wait until two weeks before a cruise to start cutting weight. Give yourself two months minimum.
- Evaluate your current lifestyle. Is this the right time to start losing fat?
- Progress slowly – don’t overdo at the start.
- Create your calorie deficit through food or movement.
Please note that you don’t have to track calories to see progress. Here are some ways to create a calorie deficit by changing the quality of foods in your diet:
- Veggies (2 to 5 cups/day)
- Fruit (1 to 2 cups/day)
- Whole grains
- Lean protein (chicken, fish, seafood, lean ground turkey or beef)
- High fiber foods (beans, veggies, oatmeal)
Cut Back
- Desserts
- Alcohol
- High fat meats
- Processed meats (bacon, sausage)
- Portions overall (10 to 20 per cent smaller)
MyFitnessPal is a good app to track calories. Start with a good calorie goal and be sure to choose “lose one pound per month.” A goal higher than that will lead to a strict deficit, which is harder to maintain. Logging your progress might not be easy at a busy station, but it will give you a better idea of what and how much you are eating. Even a week of tracking can give you a clear sense of the areas to improve.
Those who struggle with yo-yo dieting might consider hiring a dietitian to provide personal guidance, help work healthy eating into a busy shift, and account for meal timing, food choices, and social circumstances.
Accountability and brainstorming will save you the headache of figuring this out on your own and get you started on becoming the lean machine you want to be.
This article originally appeared within the Spring 2021 issue. View the full issue here, or browse all back issues in the CRACKYL Library.