Exercise & Fitness

Mobility/Warm-Up: Shifting Lateral Lunge



January 25, 2025

Get ready for a workout with this move that targets your legs, hips and groin

By Firefighter Peak Performance

We all know how important mobility is, especially in our line of work. Whether you’re hauling hose, climbing ladders, or just trying to move quickly in full gear, having good range of motion can make all the difference – preventing injuries and improving performance.

So, allow us to introduce you to the Shifting Lateral Lunge. It’s a great way to warm up your hips, groin, and legs before a workout. Here’s how to do it:

Shifting Lateral Lunge Instructions

  • Begin by standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, keeping your chest up, shoulders relaxed, and arms in front.
  • Bend your knee and drive your hips back as you lower your body into the lateral lunge position.
  • Keep the other leg straight and the foot flat on the ground. Your weight should be on the heel of the bent knee.
  • Keep your chest upright, back straight, and shoulders pulled back. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability.
  • Push through the heel of the bent knee as you shift your weight to the opposite side.
  • Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions or duration.

This exercise originally appeared on Firefighter Peak Performance’s YouTube channel. Get your free membership to Firefighter Peak Performance today.

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