Build explosive power and rock-solid stability for breaches and ladder raises
By Firefighter Peak Performance
The one-arm kettlebell overhead press is a game-changer. Not only does it build serious shoulder strength and core stability, but it also directly translates to essential firefighting tasks, like raising ladders and breaching ceilings. If you’re looking for an exercise that packs a punch for your performance on the job, this one’s for you.
Starting Position
- Stand tall with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart
- Back is straight with the kettlebell resting on one shoulder in the front rack position
- Opposite arm is relaxed and ready to counterbalance the load
Upward Movement
- Press the kettlebell into the overhead position with the elbow locked and the shoulder packed down
- Maintain alignment between your shoulder, elbow, and wrist
- Pause briefly in the top position
- Inhale into the upward movement
Downward Movement
- Control the weight as you lower the kettlebell to the starting position
- Bend your knees slightly as you absorb the weight
- Exhale into downward movement
6-Point Self-Check
Maintain proper body position and movement quality for each repetition as fatigue sets in. Be mindful of this quick “self-check” as you perform this exercise as directed above:
1. Head: Maintain a neutral position with eyes forward; avoid moving your head up or down.
2. Torso: Keep the torso rigid and spine straight as you flex and extend your arm; core is engaged throughout the movement.
3. Hips: “Pull” your feet inward slightly to engage the glutes and anchor your body.
4. Legs: Knees bend as you absorb weight in the downward movement, and extend as you drive the weight up overhead.
5. Shoulders: Shoulders are packed back and down; avoid shrugging your shoulders.
6. Arms: Maintain alignment between your shoulder, elbow, and wrist as you press the kettlebell overhead; take care to avoid any bending at the wrist.
This exercise originally appeared on Firefighter Peak Performance’s YouTube channel. Get your free membership to Firefighter Peak Performance today.